Author Archives: anoukkeizer


Last week ASMR was in the media again!

EenVandaag made a news item about ASMR, featuring our experiment, you can watch it here.

NPO radio 1 broadcasted the podcast I recorded at Betweter festival, which was a nice collab between NTR Focus and the Universiteit van Nederland, you can listen to it here.

Paper out on a new treatment for body image in anorexia

Together with psychomotor therapist JosĂ© Bonekamp and PhD student Manja Engel I have been working on a novel intervention for body image in anorexia for a few years. We have developed a “hoop training” in which the focus is on giving patients direct feedback on their body size in multiple modalities. The first paper on this training has been published last week in Eating and Weight Disorders.

You can read it here.

New paper on body illusions

Kayla just published a new paper in Neuropsychologia in which she decribes that participants experience bodily illusion for the upper body just as strong as for the lower body. Interestingly there was a relation between sensory suggestibility and strenght of the illusion.

You can find the paper here.